Sheduled Power On and Power Off Socket Plug

I was looking for a way to automate the process of Switching on the Main Switch for my Study Room. Initially i was looking for an Analog based solution. But later i realized these analog adapters are not that much flexible enough to modify or update them. Then i bought a Wifi Plug from Aliexpress which is based on the popular cloud based IOT Market Leader Tuya. The major challenge with Tuya, they expose there APi’s only to the Partners and Vendors who create Products using their Tuya Hardware Modules/SDks....

May 11, 2021 · 3 min · Theme PaperMod

Use your OLD Broken Keyboard to Power your Automations

Being used with the Scissor Keyboard on my Apple Macbook Pro for more than 7+ years i have become a fan of these Keyboards. I have used the Wired and Wireless Magic Keyboards. All these keyboards last longer and more durable until you protect them with a proper cover. I lost some external keyboards as i failed to use a cover. These Apple keyboards are so costly and you can’t repair them once something goes wrong....

May 11, 2021 · 2 min · Theme PaperMod