Google Apps Script - Exploration
When people wants a simple, automated scripting solution for their day-to-day activities, business workflows or even processing some files/data, Google Apps script is the first tool which i recommend for them. I use the Apps script extensively atleast to create initial POC related to API Integration. If you
I have been working in Google Apps script for more than 6 years and i can see great improvements in the API since the initial launch of the Apps Script.
In this post i am have jotted down some of the important things which i researched and learnt on this journey.
- Creating Dynamic Google Docs using Template
- Creating Dynamic Google Slides using Template
- Creating Custom Menu with Icons and Separators
- Auth Scopes & Connect to External Apps via OAuth2
- Datetime Conversions with Timezone
- Creating HTML Pages and Publishing different versions
- Creating a Shared Library (versionised) and using across different Apps.
- Passing Querystring Arguments to Web App.
- Delete All Rows in a Sheet
- Sync Data to a Sheet from JSON
- Expose a existing Sheet as a API Data via doget
- Using WebPack to Bundle App ( labnol - apps script starter. Youtube Example)
- Using external CSS like Material CSS inside a embedded html page.
- Create a Invoice App (HTML Page + Materialize CSS) using Google Apps Script
- Save User Properties and Read them
- Editing manifest file (view->manifest appscript.json)
- Locking Sheets and Setting Permissions for Range of Cells
- Adding Notification via Toast and Alert Messages
- Creating User Prompts, Custom Modal Dialogs inside Google Sheet
- Formatting Cells (Custom Highlights)
- Custom Formulas
- Reading Actual Values and Display Values from Sheet
- Creating a Custom Email Template inside Google Apps Script
- Dealing Timeouts
- Moving huge file items inside Google Drive
External Systems
I have created few libraries in Google Apps Script for the following external API’s. Please contact me if you need any support on these API’s.
Google Reseller
Google Docs/Slides Manipulation via Batch API
Personal Apps
These are the scripts which i have created for my personal use.
- Automated Toptal Timesheet to Sync to Google Sheet
- Created Script to Automate Wakatime Activity to Google Sheet
- Created a Google Sheet based Bot Assistant for Skype Group Conversation