Google Apps Script - Exposure

Google Apps Script - Exploration When people wants a simple, automated scripting solution for their day-to-day activities, business workflows or even processing some files/data, Google Apps script is the first tool which i recommend for them. I use the Apps script extensively atleast to create initial POC related to API Integration. If you I have been working in Google Apps script for more than 6 years and i can see great improvements in the API since the initial launch of the Apps Script....

January 11, 2020 · 2 min · Nirmal

Experimenting with MiTV

Last Edited: Jun 22, 2019 4:27 PM Watching TV doesn’t interests me. May be being in the field of Software Development, I feel i should have the control of what i want to watch than watching something telecasted on the TV. We have been using a OLD CRT TV for a long time and i had no plans to switch to LED or SmartTV. Last year around September 2018, , i have being looking for a LED Tv to consume courses, tutorials and Ted Talks from Online sources like Youtube....

June 22, 2019 · 3 min · Nirmal

Adobe Launch Extension - Development Setup

Launch Extension Setup Adobe released Launch Extension which is the next Generation Platform for Tag management. It simplifies the workflow involved in the development, testing and deployment of tags to website. Launch Extension is a platform where multiple external third party tag services can be easily integrated through Extension Catalog Store. Development The entire development and tooling for the Launch Extension uses the Web Development stack of NodeJS HTML and Javascript....

March 10, 2019 · 2 min · Nirmal

Managing containers using Portainer API

Portainer provides a sleek interface to swift through Docker environments It allows you to manage your containers, images, networks and volumes. Portainer itself will run in another container of your docker environment. Setting up a Portainer sudo mkdir /data sudo mkdir /data/portainer_data docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --name portainer --restart always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /data/portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer Image Registry Portainer, is not restricted to just docker registry hub. It can talk to any image registry which follows the image registry protocol definition....

January 31, 2019 · 1 min · Nirmal

Mobile Development Setup - Pitfalls/Challenges Mobile app development may not be that much complex today as we have enough tools targeting multiple platform and devices. But the setting up the environment has been still frustrating considering the ever growing dependencies. I have done some mobile apps in the past and I have not seen this much complexity This post I am sharing what I have experienced in setting up the environment....

6 min · Theme PaperMod